Saturday, February 9, 2013

Gouffre de Padirac - France

  Gouffre de Padirac is a tourism arranged cave located near the French town of Gramat.
  Before entering the cave , tourists have to descend 75 meters by lift , or take the long way down by staircase through an opening over 30 meters wide.
  The cave itself lies at a depth of 103 meters , and as most of the caves , was formed by water erosion over time. It features thousands and thousands of stalactites and stalagmites , columns , mini lakes , lily pads , and other sorts of strange yet amazing and beautiful natural sculptures. 
  Tourists can explore the cave by foot or by boat as the cave is partly flooded by an underground river.
  The existence of the cave is well known starting with the 3rd century and it had been inhabited till the 15th and 16th centuries.
  So if you are planning a trip to France , be sure to include this cave on the objectives list.

Image source:


  1. Hi Alex, thanks for visiting my blog. I see you are just beginning. All the best with showing us amazing nature spots. I blog from the Blue Mountains in Australia where we have limestone caves (Jenolan Caves) and beautiful blue green water like you have shown in both of your posts.

    1. Hi Elizabeth , thank you for your positive thoughts about my blog , yup , just started and I hope to write an article a day so if you want to you can come back here from time to time.
      P.S. I really liked you blog , and if you are responsible for all the photos ..... well you did an amazing job.

  2. that would be so amazing to be in that space and seeing those wonderful formations

    1. Indeed , caves are really something worth visiting , they give you an ,,out of this world'' feeling.
