Friday, February 8, 2013

Plitvice National Park - Croatia

Plitvice Lakes National Park is one of the most popular tourist attractions in Croatia and has received UNESCO World Heritage status in 1979.

   The park is composed of sixteen inter-connected crystal clear lakes , and the surrounding woods having a total area of about 300 square kilometers.

   One of the most impressive aspects of the park is the color of the water which can vary from azure blue to an almost gray-ish tint in the winter , this is due to the change in mineral concentration and the fact that the lakes were carved out in limestone.
The spectacular waterfall system is another great attraction to the park , as they can vary from a height of just a few centimeters to over 70 meters .

   The park is open year round , and well arranged to accommodate a large number of tourists.

    Here , tourists have the opportunity to walk along the water’s edge and admire the thousands of fish that without no fear of humans stick around the pathways in hope of a free meal of bread , or you can admire the woodland wildlife which consists of deer , boars or rare bird species.
As an alternative to walking there is the opportunity of traveling by a panoramic train , or an electric boat that can get you across the largest lake. There is also a restaurant near the entrance where the hungry tourists can have a traditional Croatian meal.

   We can truly say that Plitvice National Park is one of Mother Nature’s fines achievements and a really worth visiting objective

What do you say? Do you think it is worth visiting? 


  1. Thanks for visiting my site. I took that photo of moon with a Nikon Coolpix P510. I just bought the camera a few months ago and I'm loving it.
    I love your photo above. Yes, that is a spot well worth visiting....with camera in hand.

    1. Nice camera , I always loved those super zoom cameras ( really handy when you are taking photos of wildlife ), and I agree , you can't visit an objective like this without a camera would really be a shame not sharing it with other people.
